Week 1A: My Template


    Welcome to my blog! For my theme I chose a travel, aesthetic and nature look. Reasons why I chose this type of theme is because I am really passionate about traveling and I want to see what Mother Nature and what the human race has created over the years all around the world.

    The background photo that I have chosen is a place in South Korea during the cherry bloosem season. One of my dreams is to go to South Korea and attend their cherry blossom festival. I also have dreams of going to many other places like Greece, Paris, Japan, etc. 

    To add on to the theme I chose a specific font, Reenie Beanie, to add on a feel that you are reading from a handwritten travel journal instead of an internet blog. Throughout this blog I hope to evolve and show more of my theme!

    In the past and even now today, people have used blogs and other social media platforms to promote and grow their business. Although depending on your business and who you are targeting is what tells you what social media platforms you should be using. Currently, for any business, people tend to use Instagram and/or YouTube the most.

    Instagram holds billions of different accounts of many different people. Almost everyone has at least one Instagram account today. Young and older generations spends a Lot of their time scrolling through posts on this app. With a business, you can reach millions of different people that'll see your business and what you have to offer. As long as the page is trendy and has a way to catch people's eyes the business has great potential to expand and succeed. Instagram is also great for personal use to gain inspiration, knowledge and friends. 

    Now YouTube tends to be the most used app anywhere on this planet. In the past decade people have made a living just by posting on their YouTube channel. Also, almost all if not all successful businesses has a YouTube page. YouTube is a great way to promote and gain loyal customers by posting true and entertaining videos. YouTube is not only used for businesses though. Many people watch YouTube for a stress reliever, finding motivation, inspiration and peer entertainment. I honeslty watch study vlogs to motivate me to do school work. In many ways YouTube is great for personal and business use.


  1. Excellent start. I love the Asian inspired theme. Puts my blog to shame. I really enjoy You Tube and can see your also thinking how it can help with your business. Very impressive.

  2. I love the font you chose! And I love that my comment gets to be in this font as well:) It was between this theme and the SoHo theme for me; it was a tough choice. But I love that you chose it and it looks fantastic. I love the colors and the clean, crisp look it has. I love to travel as well and highly recommend it! I haven't been to South Korea, but would love to go. (Thailand, Vietnam, China are also on my list.) I think you did a great job on your blog. Well done! I look forward to reading more:)

  3. I really love the simplicity of the layout, it works! Love that you are passionate to travel, do it! the world and people are beautiful, experience different cultures. One of things to do before i go, is to taste different coffees from all over the rodl, from the expensive ones to the street vendors. Best Wishes!

  4. Wow! Your blog is beautiful and inspiring! I love the cherry blossoms and your dream of traveling there. I love the font you chose and your detailed writing. Great Job!


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