Week 3 Part A
Gate Openers and Gate Operators
Url: http://gatesnfences.com
Gate Openers and Gate Operators has a very complicated design for their website. At first glance, it was all too much. There was writing and buttons everywhere. Potential customers would feel overwhelmed and not bother looking through it more and find website that is simpler to spend their money on. They should also lower the amount of tabs and organize where the information should go so the home page could look cleaner and have a tidy look. Another problem was the colors. The colors they chose are boring and they don't go together at all. It would be better to choose less colors and colors that will match well together to give the website a more exciting design. The most disappointing factor was the photos. The photos were placed in not so convenient spots on the website. They should take better photos to really catch viewers eyes and place most of the photos under one tab. For example, "Our past designs" or "Our work". The website looks like it was done by someone unorganized and inexperienced. Professional websites are never filled up like this. This website had no space between sections, photos, paragraphs, and tabs.
Jami Lin's Passions
Url: https://jamilin.com
At first glance I honestly didn't even know what kind of website this was and still don't. The first problem I see are the color choices. Brown and rainbow does not go together. This website needs to have brighter and limited colors to catch the visitors eyes. Next, is the tabs on the left hand side in the yellow margin. I find that unnecessary and overwhelming. To keep the visitors from becoming too overwhelmed, I would only keep the necessities on the welcome page and get rid everything that doesn't have a purpose. Lastly, the photos need to be updated. The website feels like it's from the early 2000's and so does the photos. If they took more professional photos and photos that matches the current timeline then I think there would be more visitors on your page. I do not think this website was done professional. Although if this website would've been fine if it was 2000 but it's not.
Headhunter Hairstyling
Url: https://www.headhunterhairstyling.com
When I first opened the website I was very please there was a high quality video of someone getting their hair cut. I love how simple and organized the layout is and the colors they chose. The colors made the website pop and mix well together with the hair video. This website doesn't look professionally done because how simple it looks but for a hairstyling company I think staying simple is the best approach. Whom ever created this website had at least basic computing and design skills. Because of the simple and colorful look it made me want to explore the website even more because of how appealing it looked.
Url: https://www.apple.com
Apple has a very organized but filled website. Apple has a lot of products and information but they were able to organize that into simple tabs and made the welcome page feel cleaner and organized. They also have very aesthetic photos of their products that makes you want to check out more about the product and what else they have to offer. Apple was defiantly created by a professional because of the layout and professionalism feel of the design.
I love that so many of us chose the Jamilin website because it really is a great example of a complicated and chaotic website looks like. Especially when it's supposed to be offering services like Feng Shui and Chakra balancing! Well done on your assignment.