Week 6 Part 1
7 businesses that can make great strategic connections:
- Away
- Away is a luggage company. With this company I can find more customers and help refer my current customers somewhere great to but new travel luggage/bags. While Away can refer their customers to visit my page to get help with travel plans.
- Trtl
- Trtl is a retail company that sells travel pillows. Almost all of my customers will be traveling on plans and this company would be a great company to have a connection with. I can get new customers by connecting with a company and make a deal. I can promote their company and they can promote mine.
- The Land of Wanderlust
- This company offers backpacking in India with a very low budget. This can be a great connection because I can show this to my customers with low budgets as an option when traveling. I can also get new customers by talking ti this companies customers by asking if they wanted help with the plans and other options.
- Interrail
- This is a travel agency within Europe that helps travel fans explore Europe by train. I can make some type of partnership deal that will help both businesses out in the end by receiving new customers and making current customers more satisfied with the business.
- Travel Quotes
- Is a page where people can see travel photos, quotes, and see where other people went. This travel page got so popular they now sell travel merchandise. With this connection I can find new customers by asking the company to promote my travel agency and have a sale where each customer that comes from that page receives a bug discount on their travel plans and can be many deals to make their trip more affordable.
- Travel Fashion Girl
- This page helps people decide what to wear and how to minimize luggage space. This company and I can help promote each other and give more options to our customers.
- The Solo Female Traveler Network
- A page that inspires women to travel alone and don't let other people stop you from being independent when traveling. This page can help my customers feel more confident when traveling alone and I can receive new customers by telling these women how I can make help them making their dreams of traveling alone come true.
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