
Showing posts from November, 2020

Week 13 Part B

  These are my three promotional advertisements   The first advertisement is to mainly promote my business page rather than sell a specific service. If the viewer get's curious on what I have to offer, I have a good chance that they will like or follow my page and come back to ask for assistance when they are planning to travel. The second one is to promote a travel package that I am offering. Not only do I explain what the package offers but I also show a picture of what they can see if they choose to by the package. My third advertisement is to also promote a travel package but fit the package in the current season which is Christmas! I also add in a discount as a Christmas sale. My objective is for people to see what packages I am offering and either buy one because of the discount or follow my page for a future trip. The objective that makes most sense for my business is giving away discounts and showing videos and pictures. My business is a traveling agency and people tra...

Week 13 Part A

       When I look at the ads on social media like Facebook and Instagram, I see that they use videos and bright colors in their ads. For example, on Instagram, I saw an ad for a new bullet journal that came with a kit of crafts like rolling tape, stickers, sticky notes, and more. They used a bright filter to pop out the color of the bullet journal. They also showed a video of the bullet journal opening up with inspirational ways you can decorate with your bullet journal and the supplies it comes with. Another thing the ad did to catch my eye was a discount code. At the end of the ad, it showed a discount code for 15% off on your whole purchase. This ad was very effective because I did end up purchasing from their online store even though that was not my intention.     There were many ads like this on Facebook and Instagram. Although some of the ads I get on these social media's are false leading which becomes very annoying. For example, on Facebo...

Week 12 Part One: Marketing Tools

 When researching different online marketing tools that would help my business prosper, I came by Pinterest. A lot of people spend hours upon hours posting and looking through images and links to things that they like. I think my business can benefit from this by posting eye catching photos with links to our website. We also can post fun images that show "Essentials for Traveling" or "What to Not Pack When Going on a Trip" and many more. My business can open up another door for new customers to come to our website.  Another online tool my business can be impacted positively on is TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor can show people my businesses packages when looking for the best deals that can also accommodate for their family. This major tool can be a tool that my business would heavily rely on.

Week 11: Marketing on Social Media

  For this assignment I have looked at several social medias and how businesses utilize their accounts on them. Social medias that I looked into was Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. Lately I believe new small businesses tend to use TikTok and YouTube sense those are the top most used apps on the internet. Where Twitter is mainly used by bigger and more popular companies sense they already have a platform and small businesses aren't usually recognized on Twitter.  When people are trying to find a new company or brand to get into and spend their money on; they tend to find it on their social media accounts. Like YouTube. Social media influencers have become a huge thing and they are just becoming even bigger as time goes on. People tend to want to spend their money on businesses that their social media influencer spends on.  My business, Travel Guardian, can make a good use out YouTube through sponsoring social media influencer...

Week 10: Email Marketing Part 2

 Posts I commented on:  Courtney Cooper Heather Williams Karin O'Brien

Week 10: Email Marketing Part 1

When it comes to newsletters, I think a business should have a monthly newsletter and maybe more if there is an upcoming event and you want to remind them. Staying connected with your customers is great way for them to stay regular and keeping them updated.  Newsletters should have updates on the company itself and if you are working on anything new. Also it should have information on upcoming events and sales. I think putting in a discount code or coupon only in the newsletters would not only want customers to subscribe to the letter for a discount, but it will force them to read it and stay informed. In result of that could be more loyal customers and possibly bring in new customers.  Content ideas for my business: Add 15% on the next package you buy with the discount code TravelGuardian5. Could inform that there will be new travel packages coming out in the next two weeks. Add a celebratory note saying we made it to our 1,000th customer and thank all the loyal customer...