Week 5: Post Reach and Post Engagement
By definition a post reach is how many people have viewed your post, page, story, etc. Where post engagement are the number of people interacted with your page. For example, liking a post, sharing, and commenting. Knowing the difference between the two are very important. The number of reaches and the number of engagements can show if your page is interesting enough to interact with it or if people are even noticing your page. If your page has a big gap between reaches and engagements, it could mean that the design of your business website and/or page is not interesting or compelling enough to make the viewer want to stay and like the posts or pages. Having a small gab between reaches and engagements is a good sign that you are the right track when it comes to design and having a compelling page. If you have a business page on Facebook, the best tool to know if you are on the right track is to see your insights. Using...